It all comes down to this: Students who receive special education supports and services are entitled to an education program that meets their unique needs.

Communication while creating this program can be challenging and those involved may disagree on the appropriate way to support a student.

That’s when Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) can help.

Whether to resolve a disagreement about the program or to provide collaborative process support, teams — and ultimately students — benefit from the skills and experience of a mediator or facilitator. SEMS helps teams in the earliest stages of intervention and educational planning and beyond through these FREE services:

Meeting Facilitation: Facilitation can help the parties develop the best intervention plan or educational program for the circumstances. A neutral facilitator helps the participants work through communication issues so the participants can focus on and resolve the issues and complete the process.

Mediation: Mediation aids the parties in resolving disputes that may arise between  schools and families and students with disabilities. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. The neutral mediator fosters a cooperative discussion. The parties alone make the final decisions. Successful mediation can result in a written, signed agreement that can be incorporated into an IFSP or IEP.

Workshops and training for your staff or group that help strengthen communication and collaboration skills for special education administrators, teachers, service providers and parents.

Our Center provides special education mediation, facilitation and training at no cost for our region/county schools and residents through Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS). These services are federally funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and paid for by a grant from the Michigan Office of Special Education.


Call 833-543-7178

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